Kanaka Nisargamane Activities

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Music Therapy is a specific therapeutic use of music for the promotion of emotional, cognitive, social, and physical integration and recovery on a scientific basis. It has been proved that music plays a major role in treating Alzheimer’s and dementia patients and also music has the power to overcome depression and reduce anxiety. This therapy is also used to reduce the pain, especially labour or terminal illness. Specific pieces of music are helpful for heart and also promote to release endorphins (natural painkillers), which reduces tension and in turn provides relaxation. Music therapy at Veda Wellness Centre, Kanka Nisarga Mane primarily help patients to improve their health in several domains such as cognitive functioning, motor skills, emotional development, social skills and quality of life by using both active and passive music experiences such as free improvisation, song, dance, listening and discussion of music to achieve goals.


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Laughter is one of the sweetest medicines which bring back your mind and body back into balance much faster. It is a priceless medicine which is fun, free and easy to use. Laughter therapy also called as hasya yoga is a therapeutic tool followed from many years as it is a natural form of medicine. It has also been proved that laughter helps to reduce stress hormones such as cortisol and epinephrine. Endorphins are released while laughing which help to relive physical pain. Laughter relaxes the whole body, boosts the immune system, protects heart and mainly helps to live longer. Laughter adds zest and joy to the life. At Veda Wellness Centre, Kanka Nisarga Mane laughing therapy is conducted in groups which help to strengthen relationship, enhances team work and promotes group bonding. A forced laughter soon turns into a contagious laughter which helps in building a social bond.


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Normally, people clap to appreciate others for the success or achievements or when they are in the mood of joy. People also clap while singing songs and bhajans. But the benefit of clapping is beyond this and it has been scientifically proven that clapping is the best exercise for various disorders. Clapping therapy is a simple exercise which can be done by anyone irrespective of their age. Daily 10 minutes of clapping helps to stay active the whole day. Our body has 340 known pressure points, 28 of which are in our hand. Stimulation of this points benefits in a great way. It is the best cure for digestive disorders, back pain, neck pain, joint pain and also improves immune system. Clapping is associated with all good things in life – promotions, good grades, celebrations, and more. It’s associated with happiness in our life. Clapping therapy will be practised every week at Veda wellness centre, Kanka Nisarga Mane.


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Camp fire builds care and confident by paying attention to what sparks a passion. Camp fire symbolize “if the damper is broken, then it indicates a situation or relationship that has made cold & bitter depending on the context of your dream. To see fire in your dream can symbolize destruction, passion, desire, illumination, purification, transformation, enlightenment or anger”. Weekly once, Sadhaka’s (patients) will be entertained by camp fire along with singing, music and some fun games. It helps the patient to overcome stress and one can also show their talents.


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Doctors at Veda wellness centre, Kanka Nisarga mane educates their sadhaka’s by health program which will be held every day. In this session discussion on health topics will be done, sadhaka’s can ask any of their queries which will be answered by Dr. Venkatramana Hegde. The session educates about the cooking techniques, role of diet for our health and a complete idea on how to use food as a medicine. The subject matter will be decided by the doctor’s at Veda wellness centre, Kanka Nisarga mane. The talk is given in the language which is convenient for the sadhaka’s to understand.


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PET is an acronym for Pranic Energization Technique. We use our prana shakthi to energies our entire body. Each and every organ of body will be revitalized by this process. The particular importance of this technique is its utility for strengthening the immune defense so that modern dreaded KILLER diseases can be effectively healed. This technique is of about 15 minutes of duration.


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Kanka Nisarga mane ensures patients have a memorable weekend with a visit to nearby places. Destinations include Sahasralinga, Banavasi, Unchalli Falls, Sonda matt, Shivganga Falls and Marikamba Temple etc. Vehicle and other facilities will be provided from our centre.

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